
Unleashing Real Potential in Hong Kong-Indonesian Relations, the second research paper by the Hong Kong-ASEAN Foundation, discusses opportunities from the long-standing and strengthening relations between Hong Kong and Indonesia.  It is prime time that bilateral relations, through complementarity and synergies, to be taken to a new level to support the roles the two places play on the global stage.

Working with top talents in Hong Kong, the ASEAN and around the world, the Hong Kong-ASEAN Foundation spearheads proprietary research on important topics about Hong Kong-ASEAN relations to contribute policy ideas, covering crucial areas encompassing arts and culture, heritage, history, education, towards mutually beneficial relationships between Hong Kong and the ASEAN.

We are delighted to present our white paper, Hong Kong’s Future as the Nexus of China-ASEAN Relations, the first of a series of proprietary papers discussing the opportunities ahead. Utilising the Hourglass Model, the white paper elucidates the distinctive yet complementary roles Hong Kong and Singapore can play in the fast-growing region.